After using a USB drive or a harddrive for sometime, you notice that the storage memory reduces significantly. This is usually caused by formatting the drive which causes some of the partitions to be corrupted and ideally not recoverable during normal Windows or Linux formating procedure.
It is however easy to recover this memory, what you need is:
- The USB or harddrive with reduced memory.
- BOOTNICE software.
Download the correct software for your computer (32 or 64 bit) from here
Extract the files to the desktop. The software does not require installation though it requres administrator priviledges for operation.
Ensure that you have plugged your Disk into the computer then run you version of BOOTNICE. It opens in the window below.
In the destination tab ensure you choose the drive you need to recover memory for. It should show the name, the capacity and the letter assigned.
Then go to the Utilities tab and go to Disk Sectors Filling tab and click Select Device.
In the new dialog displayed, ensure that the physical disk is selected then the drive showed in the dropdown list.
Now you are ready, click Start Filling. The message below will be displayed.
Click OK. You will recceive the information below.
Click OK and close all the dialog boxes. To make the drive usable you will be required now to reformat it in the normal way of your operation system. After this you will have recovered the original storage of the drive. ENJOY!!
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